Help no X :(
Henry Gilbert
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
I've install PLD via floppy disk / net install
First I tried base and got stuck with many configs.
Then I tried KDE-base thinking everything will be done for me a-la
easy distros style.
I want to make this work ...

So far I managed to get the USB Harddrive working
but am seriously stuck with the Video

I have no Display showing up

Please let me know if there is something like Sax in PLD
so I can easily get X working

Łukasz Jernaś
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 10:58:49 +0000
Post by Henry Gilbert
I've install PLD via floppy disk / net install
First I tried base and got stuck with many configs.
Then I tried KDE-base thinking everything will be done for me a-la
easy distros style.
I want to make this work ...
For KDE to work properly you need the kdebase-desktop package.
BTW which floppy disk were you using?
Post by Henry Gilbert
So far I managed to get the USB Harddrive working
but am seriously stuck with the Video
I have no Display showing up
Please let me know if there is something like Sax in PLD
so I can easily get X working
AFAIK there is no such thing like SaX in PLD but you can always use
xorgcfg or xorgconfig from the X11-setup package. Just type
poldek -i X11-setup
and then xorgcfg.

Hope that'll help...
Lukasz Jernas
|Architektura klient-serwer przypomina seks nastolatk?w. Wszyscy o tym|
|m?wi?, ale nikt tego nie robi. A je?eli kto? ju? to robi, to robi to |
|?le i niebezpiecznie. - prof. T. Morzy |
Henry Gilbert
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
ah ok brilliant
just need to add the USB mouse now
as that is not working :o

how to get USB External drive and hdb recognize on bootup?
will me editing fstab do?
also want PLD to remember to loadkeys uk
i am an intermediate Linux user

ie ex-Mandrake user (but not ex-Debian or ex-Slackware!)
so please bear with me - I dont know everything :D
Post by Łukasz Jernaś
On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 10:58:49 +0000
Post by Henry Gilbert
I've install PLD via floppy disk / net install
First I tried base and got stuck with many configs.
Then I tried KDE-base thinking everything will be done for me a-la
easy distros style.
I want to make this work ...
For KDE to work properly you need the kdebase-desktop package.
BTW which floppy disk were you using?
Post by Henry Gilbert
So far I managed to get the USB Harddrive working
but am seriously stuck with the Video
I have no Display showing up
Please let me know if there is something like Sax in PLD
so I can easily get X working
AFAIK there is no such thing like SaX in PLD but you can always use
xorgcfg or xorgconfig from the X11-setup package. Just type
poldek -i X11-setup
and then xorgcfg.
Hope that'll help...
Lukasz Jernas
|Architektura klient-serwer przypomina seks nastolatk?w. Wszyscy o tym|
|m?wi?, ale nikt tego nie robi. A je?eli kto? ju? to robi, to robi to |
|?le i niebezpiecznie. - prof. T. Morzy |
pld-users-en mailing list
Now you can get AriZona Drinks in the UK
Łukasz Jernaś
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 12:10:00 +0000
Post by Henry Gilbert
ah ok brilliant
just need to add the USB mouse now
as that is not working :o
modprobe usbhid
And set up /dev/input/mice as the mouse device in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Should work - didn't have the chance to test it because my mouse isn't
working on *any* Linux distro.
Post by Henry Gilbert
how to get USB External drive and hdb recognize on bootup?
will me editing fstab do?
Adding proper modules to /etc/modules and an entry in fstab should do
the trick.
Post by Henry Gilbert
also want PLD to remember to loadkeys uk
i am an intermediate Linux user
Look at /etc/sysconfig/console and the KEYTABLE variable (if you don't
have this file please install the kbd package with poldek)
Anyway - /etc/sysconfig is a good place to look into when new packages
are installed.
Lukasz Jernas
|Architektura klient-serwer przypomina seks nastolatk?w. Wszyscy o tym|
|m?wi?, ale nikt tego nie robi. A je?eli kto? ju? to robi, to robi to |
|?le i niebezpiecznie. - prof. T. Morzy |
Henry Gilbert
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
does poldek have a graphical mode?

the window-bar disappeared from my kde apps
so am thinking to install things via poldek to fix the problem
but a graphical interface would stop me from having to log-out from X each time

so far PLD looks real good
but i need to fix some stuff to make it workable
Post by Łukasz Jernaś
On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 12:10:00 +0000
Post by Henry Gilbert
ah ok brilliant
just need to add the USB mouse now
as that is not working :o
modprobe usbhid
And set up /dev/input/mice as the mouse device in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Should work - didn't have the chance to test it because my mouse isn't
working on *any* Linux distro.
Post by Henry Gilbert
how to get USB External drive and hdb recognize on bootup?
will me editing fstab do?
Adding proper modules to /etc/modules and an entry in fstab should do
the trick.
Post by Henry Gilbert
also want PLD to remember to loadkeys uk
i am an intermediate Linux user
Look at /etc/sysconfig/console and the KEYTABLE variable (if you don't
have this file please install the kbd package with poldek)
Anyway - /etc/sysconfig is a good place to look into when new packages
are installed.
Lukasz Jernas
|Architektura klient-serwer przypomina seks nastolatk?w. Wszyscy o tym|
|m?wi?, ale nikt tego nie robi. A je?eli kto? ju? to robi, to robi to |
|?le i niebezpiecznie. - prof. T. Morzy |
pld-users-en mailing list
Now you can get AriZona Drinks in the UK
Radoslaw Zielinski
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
Post by Henry Gilbert
does poldek have a graphical mode?
No. Only interactive and command-line. And ncurses frontend: poldex.

PS Answer *below* the quoted text.
Rados?aw Zieli?ski <***@karnet.pl>
[ GPG key: http://radek.karnet.pl/ ]
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Henry Gilbert
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
Post by Radoslaw Zielinski
Post by Henry Gilbert
does poldek have a graphical mode?
No. Only interactive and command-line. And ncurses frontend: poldex.
PS Answer *below* the quoted text.
[ GPG key: http://radek.karnet.pl/ ]
pld-users-en mailing list
like this?
Bartosz Taudul
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
Post by Henry Gilbert
does poldek have a graphical mode?
Try 'pacman' package.

Bartek . - To nie jest tak, ?e ja od 20 lat prowadz? lekcje rzucaj?c,
Taudul : i czytaj?c bie??c? pras?, czyli ?wierszczyki.
w o l f @ p l d - l i n u x . o r g .:. http://wolf.valkyrie.one.pl/
Radoslaw Zielinski
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
Post by Bartosz Taudul
Post by Henry Gilbert
does poldek have a graphical mode?
Try 'pacman' package.
$ pacman
KCrash: Application 'pacman' crashing...
Unable to start Dr. Konqi
Rados?aw Zieli?ski <***@karnet.pl>
[ GPG key: http://radek.karnet.pl/ ]
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Bartosz Taudul
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
Post by Radoslaw Zielinski
Post by Bartosz Taudul
Post by Henry Gilbert
does poldek have a graphical mode?
Try 'pacman' package.
$ pacman
KCrash: Application 'pacman' crashing...
Unable to start Dr. Konqi
Probably caused by mixing gcc 3.3.x and gcc 3.4.x generated binaries.

Bartek . - Co ona si? tak drze? Rodzi czy co?
Taudul :
w o l f @ p l d - l i n u x . o r g .:. http://wolf.valkyrie.one.pl/
Henry Gilbert
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
OK I am stuck with sound
no sound
I tried alsaconfig but that didn't work - it hanged

any ideas?
i got a standard creative soundblaster system
Post by Bartosz Taudul
Post by Radoslaw Zielinski
Post by Bartosz Taudul
Post by Henry Gilbert
does poldek have a graphical mode?
Try 'pacman' package.
$ pacman
KCrash: Application 'pacman' crashing...
Unable to start Dr. Konqi
Probably caused by mixing gcc 3.3.x and gcc 3.4.x generated binaries.
Bartek . - Co ona si? tak drze? Rodzi czy co?
pld-users-en mailing list
Now you can get AriZona Drinks in the UK
Jakub Bogusz
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
Post by Henry Gilbert
OK I am stuck with sound
no sound
I tried alsaconfig but that didn't work - it hanged
any ideas?
Sometimes when it "hangs" pressing Ctrl-C helps.
Post by Henry Gilbert
i got a standard creative soundblaster system
Which version?
Jakub Bogusz http://cyber.cs.net.pl/~qboosh/
Henry Gilbert
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
ok sorry
its Ensoniq ES1371 [AudioPCI-97]
the boxes are creative

do i have to modprobe es1371 or something like that?

also how do I set the path permanently so that i dont have to type in
/sbin/modprobe all the time?
Post by Jakub Bogusz
Post by Henry Gilbert
OK I am stuck with sound
no sound
I tried alsaconfig but that didn't work - it hanged
any ideas?
Sometimes when it "hangs" pressing Ctrl-C helps.
Post by Henry Gilbert
i got a standard creative soundblaster system
Which version?
Jakub Bogusz http://cyber.cs.net.pl/~qboosh/
pld-users-en mailing list
Now you can get AriZona Drinks in the UK
Radoslaw Zielinski
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
Post by Bartosz Taudul
Post by Radoslaw Zielinski
Post by Bartosz Taudul
Post by Henry Gilbert
does poldek have a graphical mode?
Try 'pacman' package.
$ pacman
KCrash: Application 'pacman' crashing...
Unable to start Dr. Konqi
Probably caused by mixing gcc 3.3.x and gcc 3.4.x generated binaries.
Everything from FTP.

Doesn't it mean ,,install Konqueror''...?
Rados?aw Zieli?ski <***@karnet.pl>
[ GPG key: http://radek.karnet.pl/ ]
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Bartosz Taudul
2005-12-20 17:03:32 UTC
Post by Radoslaw Zielinski
Post by Bartosz Taudul
Probably caused by mixing gcc 3.3.x and gcc 3.4.x generated binaries.
Everything from FTP.
Post by Radoslaw Zielinski
Doesn't it mean ,,install Konqueror''...?

Bartek . - Szymon odczyta plan wydarze?.
Taudul : - To mia? by? plan wydarze?? A ja narysowa?em sw?j pok?j.
w o l f @ p l d - l i n u x . o r g .:. http://wolf.valkyrie.one.pl/