(libao) error: unpacking of archive failed: cpio: Bad magic
Olivier Kaloudoff
2005-12-20 17:03:31 UTC

I want to test pld, because I saw it
on rpmfind, and it seems a really up to date
distribution with good dependencies policy, so
here is my first try:

# rpm -i libao-0.8.2-3.i686.rpm
error: unpacking of archive failed: cpio: Bad magic


Is there somewhere that I can go to report this
as a bug ? or should I change the cpio/rpm version
I'm using ?

Best Regards,

Olivier Kaloudoff
(France, French Riviera)

Here are the checks I made to verify that my system
or the downloaded .iso file for pld are not broken;

# ls -l libao-0.8.2-3.i686.rpm
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 19673 jan 13 15:05

# uname -a
Linux www.kalou.net 2.4.17-16mdk #1 Fri Feb 8 16:00:03 CET 2002 i686

# for i in $(\ls *rpm);
rpm --checksig $i > /dev/null || echo $i has bad signature
(no package failed, so everything is ok)
Michal Kochanowicz
2005-12-20 17:03:31 UTC
Post by Olivier Kaloudoff
I want to test pld, because I saw it
on rpmfind, and it seems a really up to date
distribution with good dependencies policy, so
# rpm -i libao-0.8.2-3.i686.rpm
error: unpacking of archive failed: cpio: Bad magic
Please check if file has been downloaded correctly:
rpm -K libao-0.8.2-3.i686.rpm

If it's checksum is OK this may mean that you need newer version of RPM,
preferably taken from PLD.

I've just installed this package on my system so it isn't broken.
--= Michal Kochanowicz==--==--==BOFH==--==--==***@michal.waw.pl =--
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