Kernel 3.10.x will be new longterm in Th
Jan Rękorajski
2013-11-15 07:44:08 UTC
I'm going to switch longterm kernel in Th to 3.10.x line.
The change will happen when we have a fully functional 3.12 - that means
I'm waiting for the updated vserver patch for 3.12.

If anyone has issues with kernel 3.10 from Th please speak up now, so we
can fix them before the switch.

== lang=pl ==

Zamierzam zmieni? longterm kernel na 3.10.x.
Nast?pi to jak tylko b?dziemy mieli w pe?ni funkcjonalny kernel 3.12 -
czekam tylko na ?at? vserverow? dla tego kernela.

Je?li macie jakie? problemy z 3.10 dajcie zna? teraz, ?eby?my mogli to
poprawi? przed zmian?.
Jan R?korajski | PLD/Linux
SysAdm | http://www.pld-linux.org/
Jan Rękorajski
2013-11-18 21:31:28 UTC
Could all owners of the intel graphics cards test 3.10.19-4 kernel
package available in th-test? I applied a patch that attempts to
fix/workaround black screen problems.

== lang=pl ==

Czy w?a?ciciele kart graficznych intela mogliby sprawdzi? kernel 3.10.19-4
z th-test? Zaaplikowa?em tam ??t?, kt?ra mo?e naprawia? problem z
czarnym ekranem.
Post by Jan Rękorajski
I'm going to switch longterm kernel in Th to 3.10.x line.
The change will happen when we have a fully functional 3.12 - that means
I'm waiting for the updated vserver patch for 3.12.
If anyone has issues with kernel 3.10 from Th please speak up now, so we
can fix them before the switch.
== lang=pl ==
Zamierzam zmieni? longterm kernel na 3.10.x.
Nast?pi to jak tylko b?dziemy mieli w pe?ni funkcjonalny kernel 3.12 -
czekam tylko na ?at? vserverow? dla tego kernela.
Je?li macie jakie? problemy z 3.10 dajcie zna? teraz, ?eby?my mogli to
poprawi? przed zmian?.
Jan R?korajski | PLD/Linux
SysAdm | http://www.pld-linux.org/
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Jan R?korajski | PLD/Linux
SysAdm | http://www.pld-linux.org/