Problems installing pld 1.0
Philip J. Hollenback
2005-12-20 17:03:31 UTC

I downloaded the PLD 1.0 CD image from your site and am attempting to
install it.

The CD boots fine, I see the usual boot messages, but then the screen
switches to 'press enter to unlock this console'. Pressing enter does

This is on a system with a Tyan motherboard and via apollo vp ide

Philip J. Hollenback
Lukas Dobrek
2005-12-20 17:03:31 UTC
Post by Philip J. Hollenback
I downloaded the PLD 1.0 CD image from your site and am attempting to
install it.
The CD boots fine, I see the usual boot messages, but then the screen
switches to 'press enter to unlock this console'. Pressing enter does
This is on a system with a Tyan motherboard and via apollo vp ide
First of all you have to know that we have no real installer.
Pressin enter should give you the console. Then this what you have to do
is to prepare the disk using fdisk;mke2fs;swapon and so on. I assume you
know how to do it. Then you have to mount your new ROOT into /dest make
there directorys which you need and then mount the rest of your filesystems
then if I remember well there are four important scripts addpkg, selmod,
addbase, doit.
addpkg I dont realy remember for what it is. It can give you the suport for
pcmcia, nfs, reiser, wget und stuff.
selmod gives you the posibility to load module with support for something
into the kernel like scis, eth0 so on.
addbase adds the basic stuff neded for instalation.
and doit start the instalation of packages. Im hope it is in english if
not I promise to translate it soon.

Good luck and feel free to ask more. Finaly we will have some users
not only developers :)))

Take care, and let the force be with you.
The Lord of the darknes
Lukasz Dobrek
?ukasz Dobrek
Institut f?r Theoretische Physik
Appelstra?e 2, 30167 Hannover, Germany
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Philip J. Hollenback
2005-12-20 17:03:31 UTC

Thanks for the advice, but the problem is that at the 'Press <enter>'
prompt, pressing enter (or any other key) does nothing - the system
appears hung.

Post by Lukas Dobrek
Post by Philip J. Hollenback
I downloaded the PLD 1.0 CD image from your site and am attempting to
install it.
The CD boots fine, I see the usual boot messages, but then the screen
switches to 'press enter to unlock this console'. Pressing enter does
This is on a system with a Tyan motherboard and via apollo vp ide
First of all you have to know that we have no real installer.
Pressin enter should give you the console. Then this what you have to do
is to prepare the disk using fdisk;mke2fs;swapon and so on. I assume you
know how to do it. Then you have to mount your new ROOT into /dest make
there directorys which you need and then mount the rest of your filesystems
then if I remember well there are four important scripts addpkg, selmod,
addbase, doit.
addpkg I dont realy remember for what it is. It can give you the suport for
pcmcia, nfs, reiser, wget und stuff.
selmod gives you the posibility to load module with support for something
into the kernel like scis, eth0 so on.
addbase adds the basic stuff neded for instalation.
and doit start the instalation of packages. Im hope it is in english if
not I promise to translate it soon.
Good luck and feel free to ask more. Finaly we will have some users
not only developers :)))
Take care, and let the force be with you.
The Lord of the darknes
Lukasz Dobrek
Philip J. Hollenback
Sebastian Zagrodzki
2005-12-20 17:03:31 UTC
Post by Philip J. Hollenback
The CD boots fine, I see the usual boot messages, but then the screen
switches to 'press enter to unlock this console'. Pressing enter does
oh yes, it does :)
It brings you the shell prompt. This is usually enough to install PLD ;))
First of all, create all neccessary partitions:
fdisk /dev/hdX
Then, initialize swap partition and mount it:
mkswap /dev/hdXX; swapon /dev/hdXX
Mount all your partitions into /dest and subdirectiories:
mke2fs /dev/hdXX; mount /dev/hdXX /dest
mke2fs /dev/hdXY; mkdir /dest/home; mount /dev/hdXY /dest/home
When everything is mounted, run addbase:
This will create temporary directory structures in /dest/tmp. It'll
generate /dest/etc/fstab too - for future use :))
Mount your CD:
mount /dev/hdXX /src
Then run selrpm <listname> - I recommend selecting base, and after
installation adding the rest of necessary pakages - you'll avoid
installing tons of junk packages...
selrpm will ask you some questions. Short translation[1]:

"Instalacja z katalogu/serwera FTP" == "Install from disk / FTP server"
"Wybierz program: prowizorka/wuch" == "Select installation application"
(choose "prowizorka")
"Czy chcesz zainstalowac pakiet..." == "Do you want to install..."
"Wybierz jeden z pakietow" == "Select one of the following packages"
"Czy chcesz instalowac dokumentacje" == "Do you want to install
documentation files" - man pages, info pages, /usr/share/doc/* and like
"Czy przeedytowac liste pakietow" == "Do you want to modify generated
package list"
"Czy uruchomic program "doit"?" == "Run "doit" now?"

[1] Which reminds me I should translate it all into english :>

after finishing selrpm, chroot to /dest directory:
chroot /dest bash
set password for root:
update /boot/initrd (just in case :> )
geninitrd -f /boot/initrd-2.2.18-14.gz 2.2.18-14
(or whatever kernel version you have)
create /etc/lilo.conf or edit /boot/grub/menu.lst (depending of your
choice of lilo or grub during selrpm)
vi /etc/lilo.conf
update lilo
and voila. That's it :)) You may reboot now...
Sebastian Zagrodzki ***@mimuw.edu.pl
UIN 1770835 http://sokrates.mimuw.edu.pl/~zagrodzki

A co mnie obchodzi, co pomy?l? inni...
Roman Werpachowski
2005-12-20 17:03:31 UTC
Post by Philip J. Hollenback
Thanks for the advice, but the problem is that at the 'Press <enter>'
prompt, pressing enter (or any other key) does nothing - the system
appears hung.
Pressing Enter enters you into the shell. Maybe that's the reason?

Roman Werpachowski
"pinfo jest dla mi?czak?w. Prawdziwi Linuxowcy czytaj? ?r?d?a groffa."

gruesome na p.c.o.l.